FAQS About Laser Treatments At HUSH Salon In Birmingham

We understand it can be rather daunting trying a new treatment but we assure you that our laser technicians are highly trained and experienced.  During your consultation we will explain everything you need to know about your chosen laser treatment, and will be very happy to answer any questions you may have.  

In the meantime, we have put together these Frequently Asked Questions to explain more about laser hair removal, anti-ageing laser treatments and our services to get rid of thread veins and improve the appearance of skin pigmentation and rosacea.   

To book in for a consultation, please call our Birmingham laser salon on 0121 634 3232.

FAQs – Laser Treatment Overview

What Types Of Lasers Are Used At HUSH Salon In Birmingham?


We use two gold-standard Lynton lasers at our beauty clinic in Birmingham:

1. Alexandrite: This laser is the fastest of all lasers, treating larger body areas on all skin shades from pale to olive and dark brown. This laser has an ultra-high repetition rate and features a large contact-cooled sapphire tip which stays in continuous contact with the skin to keep it cool and comfortable.

2. Nd:YAG: This long pulse laser can be used safely on all skin types. It penetrates deep inside the skin which makes it ideal for anti-ageing treatments, skin pigmentation reduction and for treating thread veins.

Are Laser Treatments Painful?


We offer a virtually pain-free laser option which uses the very latest technology combined with a cooling system to soothe the skin during treatment. During your consultation we will assess which laser treatment would be most suited to you. If you are not suitable for the pain-free version of laser, we offer a standard laser treatment which also delivers excellent results. The sensation is usually described as a rubber band snapping on the skin, or even just a light, warm pinch. We’ll make sure to use plenty of cooling techniques to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for you.

How Long Do Treatments Take?


Laser treatments usually take between 10 minutes and an hour, depending on the size of the area to be treated and whether you have chosen to have laser hair removal, an anti-ageing laser treatment, skin pigmentation laser treatment, nail fungus laser treatment or thread vein laser treatment.

How Should I Prepare For My Laser Treatment?


Laser Hair Removal: If you are having laser hair removal, we ask you to shave 2-3 hours before each appointment. This allows the laser to penetrate into the root of the hair, rather than being absorbed by the longer lengths of hair. Do not wax, tweeze, or bleach any hair one month before your session because the root needs to stay intact in order for the laser to effectively destroy the hair.

However, before your first consultation and patch test, leave your hair unshaven as we need to see the hair in order to use the correct settings for your laser treatment. Although we can treat all skin types, we do recommend you avoid UV exposure at least 2 weeks before or 4 weeks after your treatment. Please advise your therapist if you are planning a sunny holiday or tanning.

All Other Laser Treatments: At least four weeks prior to your treatment, avoid using any skin products that will sensitise your skin, including products containing retinol, and exfoliators.

What Aftercare Do I Need To Follow?


We recommend applying lotion which contains a high SPF after your treatment. We sell Light Soothe and Light Protect (SPF), both of which are professional products specifically designed for laser after care.

Between sessions please avoid sun exposure. After your final session, avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks.

If having laser hair removal, please shave any hair growth between sessions. Do not wax, tweeze or thread. Our therapists at HUSH will go through the full after care with you after each treatment.

What Happens During My Laser Consultation?


Prior to treatment, a consultation is conducted at our award-winning beauty salon in Birmingham, in which a medical history is discussed to confirm suitability for treatment. This is also a good opportunity for you to ask your HUSH Beauty Therapist any questions you may have. Before treatment commences, you must provide written consent and a small test patch will be carried out.

How Do I Book A Laser Treatment At Hush Salon?


Your first step if you are interested in permanently getting rid of your fungal nail infections is to book in for a consultation at our award-winning salon in Birmingham. During your consultation we will discuss your medical history to assess your suitability for treatment, explain the treatment and answer any questions you may have. Before treatment commences, you must provide written consent and a small test patch will be carried out on your skin. Book your consultation at Hush Laser Salon in Birmingham online or call 0121 634 3232.

FAQs – Laser Hair Removal

What Is Laser Hair Removal?


Laser hair removal isn't as complicated as it sounds, it's actually very simple: Energy from the laser is picked up by the pigment in the hair follicle, causing destruction to the root. Once the root is destroyed, more hair cannot be produced.

Am I Suitable For Laser Hair Removal?


People with thick, coarse, and dark hair are the best candidates for laser hair removal. If you have dark hair and have ever been annoyed with how stubborn it can be when it comes to regrowth and removal, then laser is perfect for you! Using the latest laser technology we can permanently remove hairs from most skin colours.

The laser is attracted to the pigment or colour in the hair follicle; therefore the more pigment in the hair, the more successful laser treatment can be. Grey and white hair has no melanin so is not suitable for treatment.

I Am On Medication. Can I Still Have Laser Hair Removal?


Certain medications are not compatible with laser treatment. Any medications that make you photosensitive need to be stopped at least one week prior to treatment. Most antibiotics can be photosensitive, so if you have an infection, we recommend pushing your treatment back a few weeks.

Skincare with strong actives such as retinoid and Alfa hydroxyl acids are also incompatible with laser. These ingredients can increase skin cell turnover, making skin more vulnerable to the sun and irritation during the treatment period. If you're not sure whether your medication could negatively affect your laser hair removal treatment, we can cover all of this in your consultation and make sure you are suitable for the treatment before going ahead.

When Will I See Results?


With laser hair removal, you should see real results after about 6 to 8 treatments. Everybody is different, so the amount of sessions it takes varies per individual. Laser hair removal works when the hair is in its active growth rate; different parts of the body have different growth rates, and therefore could take longer or shorter depending on which spot you're treating.

When it comes to anti-ageing laser treatments, you should start seeing improvements within a few weeks of your first treatment.

What Happens If I Miss A Treatment?


If you really want your treatment to be effective, make sure you come to all of your laser treatments at our Birmingham City Centre laser salon. Just because the hair growth has slowed down, does not mean you’re hair free! It’s very important to stay consistent with your treatments to enable to best possible results!

Are There Any Side Effects To Laser Hair Removal?


After any laser treatment, including laser hair removal, you may experience reddening of the skin and the hair follicles may be swollen and bumpy. This usually subsides within a few hours. Unwanted reactions are rare but may include a small blister or temporary lightening or darkening of the skin.

Our therapists are fully qualified and will always carry out a patch test before going ahead with a full treatment to make sure you are suitable. There's also the possibility that some hairs will grow back so we recommend a top up treatment if you experience this.

FAQs – Anti-Ageing Laser Treatments

Am I Suitable For Anti-Ageing Laser Treatments?


Most people are suitable for treatment. However, we cannot treat large, raised and dark pigmentation or moles. If you are concerned about any skin pigmentation, please visit your GP.

Are Laser Treatments Painful?


Our trained laser practitioners do their utmost to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during treatment. These treatments are mildly uncomfortable and you may experience a sensation not unlike mild sunburn after treatment. This sensation usually dissipates within a few hours.

Are There Side Effects To Laser Treatments On The Face?


Most people experience reddening and some have mild swelling which usually disappear within a few days. Very rarely a small blister may form or you may experience temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. If this occurs, the skin typically returns to normal colour within a few months.

How Long Do Treatments Take?


Individual treatments usually last between 30-45 minutes. We may recommend a course of treatments to give you the best results, but this will be discussed with you during your in-depth consultation with one of our highly qualified laser specialists.

FAQs – Laser Treatments For Nail Fungus

How Do Laser Treatments Get Rid Of Nail Fungus?


Pulsed laser light is directed onto the infected nail and a short pulse of light is released. This light and heat is absorbed into the skin underneath and around the infected nail, helping to destroy the dermatophytes and eliminate the fungal infection.

Is Nail Fungus Dangerous?


Nail fungus is not considered dangerous. It is often unsightly and can be a little itchy and uncomfortable.

How Do You Get Nail Fungus?


The most common types of fungus that causes nail infections are called dermatophytes which enter the skin through tiny cuts or small separations between the nail and nail bed. Once they have entered, the fungi grow as the nail provides a suitable warm and moist environment for them to thrive.

Is Athlete's Foot The Same As Nail Fungus?


No, but they are often related to one another. Athlete's foot is a minor skin irritation with flaky and cracked skin which can lead to toenail fungus where fungi grow under the nail and live off the skin and keratin.

How Many Laser Treatments Will Get Rid Of Nail Fungus?


Treatments are carried out ever six to eight weeks on the area to be treated. The number of treatment varies depending on the severity of your nail fungus, but we usually recommend between two and six treatments. Your HUSH consultation will be able to give you a better idea of how many treatments you are likely to need during your complimentary consultation.

Will Nail Fungus Return Once I Stop Treatments?


As long as you continue to carry out good foot and nail hygiene, your nail fungus is unlikely to come back following a course of laser treatments. Do not stop having laser treatments mid-way through your course because the fungus will return if you do not complete your treatment.

How Long Does Each Laser Treatment Take?


Laser treatments usually last around 30 minutes and we recommend a course of up to six treatments depending on the severity of your nail fungus.

Do Laser Treatments Hurt?


You will feel a degree of heat and some discomfort during each treatment. However, we have the most effective laser technology on the market which applies a skin cooling system during the laser treatment to minimise any discomfort.

Are There Side Effects To Laser Treatments?


The area being treated may be red, a little swollen and tender immediately after treatment. This usually subsides within a few hours. Some people experience occasional blistering in the area around the nail or a temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. In some cases, if the nail is very badly infected, the nail may fall off. If this occurs, a smoother, uninfected nail will eventually grow in its place.

FAQs – Thread Vein & Rosacea Laser Treatments

What Are Thread Veins?


Facial veins may be hereditary or as a result of a variety of factors including damage from sun exposure, wind and the extremes of temperature. The over use of steroid creams and certain auto immune conditions may also induce thread veins. Often the exact cause is unknown and may just be part of the natural ageing process or as a part of a skin condition called rosacea.

How Are Thread Veins And Rosacea Treated?


Our lasers emit light which is readily absorbed by the blood vessels that produce the thread veins or reddening of the skin. The laser heats the tiny vein to the point where it is destroyed. Following treatment, the vessels quickly clear as they are reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesion.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?


The number of laser treatments you require depends on the number of thread veins you have. Small lesions may clear in just a single session. For general redness and rosacea five or more treatments may be required. Repeat sessions are spaced every four to six weeks.

How Long Do Laser Treatments Take?


Treatment is relatively quick and can be just 10 minutes for a single lesion or up to 45 minutes for a full face.

How Long Do Results Last For Thread Vein Removal?


Immediately after treatment some thread veins will disappear but may re-occur a few days later, but be less visible. With further treatment these vessels will disappear and are not likely to reoccur. However, if you have a tendency to facial redness, new veins may appear at some point in the future making further treatment necessary. Maintenance sessions may not be required for several years though as results are long-lasting.

What Do Laser Treatments Feel Like?


Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but there is no need for anaesthesia and the procedure is quite quick. Sensations vary but most people describe it as a very quick, hot pin prick or similar to the flick of an elastic band.